Mensa Berlin

by Mensaplan

Food & Drink


Your cafeteria plan for Berlin.The Mensa App you deliver the meal plans for the campus following colleges and universities:ASH BERLIN* Mensa HellersdorfBeuth University BERLIN* Mensa Kurfürstenstraße* Mensa Luxemburger StraßeEH BERLIN* Mensa Teltower DammFU Berlin* Cafeteria Garystraße* Cafeteria Ihnestraße* Cafeteria Koserstraße* Cafeteria Queen Louise Street* Cafeteria vant Hoff Road* Mensa Aßmannshauser road* Mensa chaff* Mensa Lankwitz* Mensa Otto-von-Simson-Straße* Veggie No. 1HFM BERLIN* Cafeteria Neuer Marstall* Mensa Charlotte StreetHFS BERLIN* Mensa SchnellerstraßeHTW Berlin* Mensa Treskowallee* Mensa WilhelminenhofHU Berlin* Mensa Nord* Mensa oasis Adlershof* Mensa Spandauer Straße* Mensa SouthBSEL* Mensa Badensche roadKH Berlin-Weissensee* Mensa WeissenseeKHS BERLIN* Mensa KarlshorstTU Berlin* Cafeteria Ackerstraße* Cafeteria Ernst-Reuter-Platz* Cafeteria Skyline* Cafeteria TU Marchstraße* Mensa HardenbergstraßeUDK BERLIN* Jazz CafeThe app offers these features:ALWAYS UP TO DATEWe monitor the meal plans of the cafeterias in Berlin on a regular basis. All changes are transferred to fix your smartphone.EATING RATEFrom the reviews you can see how others enjoyed the food on campus.PREVIEW OF THE WHOLE WEEKOnce the data is available, you can see the menu of the week today.ALSO be used offlineAfter the meal plan your Mensa was once loaded, it can also be accessed offline.Link to route plannerClicking on the address of your Mensa opens the maps app for the shortest route for lunch on campus.And another note:What comes to the plate or tray, we can not control unfortunately. The data are taken directly from the websites of the cafeterias. If it at once an error occurs, then we simply write to [email protected] - we take care of it!